
Inherits: PolyShape2D < Node2D < CanvasItem < Node < Object

A collision shape based on PolyNode2D outlines.


A class which allows to use PolyNode2D nodes as children to build collision shapes from. Applicable for both for static and rigid bodies, similarly to CollisionPolygon2D.

Property Descriptions

Default false
Setter set_disabled(value)
Getter is_disabled()

If true, no collisions will be detected.

  • bool one_way_collision
Default false
Setter set_one_way_collision(value)
Getter is_one_way_collision_enabled()

If true, only edges that face up, relative to this node’s rotation, will collide with other objects.

  • float one_way_collision_margin
Default 1.0
Setter set_one_way_collision_margin(value)
Getter get_one_way_collision_margin()

The margin used for one-way collision (in pixels). Higher values will make the shape thicker, and work better for colliders that enter the polygon at a high velocity.