
Inherits: Object

Math functions.


The singleton which provides various mathematical functions.


Variant bezier ( Variant a, Variant ac, Variant bc, Variant b, float weight )
Variant catmull_rom ( Variant ac, Variant a, Variant b, Variant bc, float weight )
bool is_between ( float s, float a, float b )
bool is_equal_approx ( float a, float b, float tolerance=1e-06 )
bool is_in_range ( float s, float min, float max )
bool is_zero_approx ( float s, float tolerance=1e-06 )
float log ( float x, float base=2.71828 )
float log10 ( float x )
float log2 ( float x )

Method Descriptions

Interpolates a cubic Bézier curve between the four control points a, ac, bc, b. Points ac and bc provide directional information, and the distance between these points determines how fast the curve moves towards ac before turning towards bc.

The following types are supported: float, Vector2, Vector3.

Interpolates a centripetal Catmull–Rom spline between the four control points ac, a, b, bc. Points ac and bc provide directional information, and the interpolated values lie between a and b points.

The following types are supported: float, Vector2, Vector3.

Returns true if s lies between a and b values. Here, “between” means that s lies within the range of [a, b] or [b, a] ranges, so a and b should not be seen as min and max values, but rather as two extremes of the range. To prevent this, use is_in_range instead.

Values are compared using non-strict inequality. If a and b are the same, then s will still return true if s equals to a and b.

Returns true if a and b are approximately equal to each other.

Here, approximately equal means that a and b are within tolerance of each other.

Infinity values of the same sign are considered equal.

Returns true if s is in the range of min and max values. If min > max, the range is considered invalid and an error is printed. To prevent this, use is_between instead.

Values are compared using non-strict inequality. If min and max are the same, then s will still return true if s equals to min and max.

Returns true if s is zero or almost zero.

This method is faster than using is_equal_approx with one value as zero.

Computes logarithm of x with arbitrary base. If base is not specified, returns natural logarithm of x.

Computes common logarithm of x.

Computes binary logarithm of x.