Adding new features

Godot’s architecture is based on object-oriented paradigm, and everything inherits from Object, directly or indirectly.

Since Goost is an engine extension, what applies to Godot development also applies to the process of developing classes in Goost. Refer to Godot’s “Object class” documentation to learn the basics of dealing with Object classes.

The following sections describe the process of writing new classes specifically in Goost. Please refer to Godot’s Engine development section if you are not familiar with engine development in general.

Writing new classes


Components in Goost are comprised of individual classes. For demonstration purposes, we’ll use FiniteStateMachine and FiniteStateMachineNode class names as examples.

First and foremost, declare new classes in, for instance:

classes = {
    # ...
    "FiniteStateMachine" : "ai",
    "FiniteStateMachineNode" : "ai",
    # ...

The key is the class name, and the value is the component a new class belongs to. If a new class relates to existing Goost components as seen in Goost API, you should use the component name as declared in list:

components = [

In our case, we don’t have an AI component, so we should add it ourselves:

components = [
    # ...
    "scene/ai", # AI component which is part of scene.
    # ...

If one of the classes depend on the other (due to inheritance or composition design), dependencies must also be declared in

class_dependencies = {
    # ...
    "FiniteStateMachine" : "FiniteStateMachineNode",
    # ...

In our case, FiniteStateMachine depends on FiniteStateMachineNode, because it uses FiniteStateMachineNode to represent states.

A single class can depend on a set of classes, and Goost will try to resolve all linked dependencies.


Declaring dependencies is required because Goost allows to disable individual classes via file generated with python config command. If any such class is accidentally disabled, a user must not stumble upon a build or run-time error, so dependent classes are going to be automatically enabled.

Declaring components and classes like this is mostly needed for documentation generation purposes and customizations, see Configuring the build page for more information.


Depending on a component, we can choose to implement our classes in core/, scene/, editor/ etc. folders in Goost’s source tree.

In our case, we’ve picked the scene component as the root component to implement our first FiniteStateMachine class in ai component. Even though components in Goost don’t always represent structural meaning, we choose to create a new subfolder under scene/ for the new component:

mkdir -p scene/ai

Create new finite_state_machine.h header and finite_state_machine.cpp source files there:

cd scene/ai
touch finite_state_machine.h
touch finite_state_machine.cpp


Make sure that the filenames represent the snake_case style of original class names written in PascalCase. Goost recognizes this pattern and allows to skip compiling the sources of those classes which got disabled via file.

We’ll skip the actual process of implementing the entire class, but here’s a minimal working implementation that we’ll use for learning purposes:

// finite_state_machine.h


#include "scene/main/node.h"

class FiniteStateMachineNode : public Node {
    GDCLASS(FiniteStateMachineNode, Node);

    static void _bind_methods();

    virtual void _update() {};
    virtual void _enter() {};
    virtual void _exit() {};

class FiniteStateMachine : public Node {
    GDCLASS(FiniteStateMachine, Node);

    FiniteStateMachineNode *state = nullptr;

    static void _bind_methods();

    void set_state(Node *p_state);
    Node *get_state() const { return state; }

// finite_state_machine.cpp

#include "finite_state_machine.h"

void FiniteStateMachineNode::_bind_methods() {
    BIND_VMETHOD(MethodInfo(Variant::NIL, "_update"));
    BIND_VMETHOD(MethodInfo(Variant::NIL, "_enter"));
    BIND_VMETHOD(MethodInfo(Variant::NIL, "_exit"));

void FiniteStateMachine::set_state(Node *p_state) {
    ERR_FAIL_NULL_MSG(p_state, "Invalid state.");

    auto new_state = Object::cast_to<FiniteStateMachineNode>(p_state);
    ERR_FAIL_NULL_MSG(new_state, "The state is not `FiniteStateMachineNode`.");

    state = new_state;

void FiniteStateMachine::_bind_methods() {
    ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("set_state", "state"), &FiniteStateMachine::set_state);
    ClassDB::bind_method(D_METHOD("get_state"), &FiniteStateMachine::get_state);
    ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::OBJECT, "state"), "set_state", "get_state");

Once you copy-paste the implementation, the next step is to tell Goost to compile those files. Because we’ve introduced a new ai component, we need to create a new SCsub file which is going to collect those sources to compile:

cd scene/ai
touch SCsub

Copy the following contents to SCsub:

# SCsub


env_goost.add_source_files(env.modules_sources, "*.cpp")

But we’re not done yet. We’ve previously declared ai as part of scene component. Usually, you’ll have to look for parent SCsub and call into our own SCsub we’re working on. In this case, lets add the following content to already existing scene/SCsub:

if env["goost_ai_enabled"]:
    SConscript("ai/SCsub", exports="env_goost")

The goost_ai_enabled is an construction environment which is automatically defined in in Goost. This way, users can skip compiling the component in the first place if they specify scons goost_ai_enabled=no via command-line or via file created with python config.

After all above steps, you should be able to compile those sources in Goost if you call scons command:

cd goost

Next, classes must be registered in ClassDB. Create register_ai_types.h and register_ai_types.cpp where we can register FiniteStateMachine and FiniteStateMachineNode classes respectively:

cd scene/ai
touch register_ai_types.h
touch register_ai_types.cpp
// scene/ai/register_ai_types.h

namespace goost {

void register_ai_types();
void unregister_ai_types();

} // namespace goost
// scene/ai/register_ai_types.cpp

#include "register_ai_types.h"
#include "goost/classes_enabled.gen.h"

namespace goost {

void register_ai_types() {

void unregister_ai_types() {
    // Nothing to do yet.

} // namespace goost

Goost uses a template specialization technique which allows to register classes only if they are enabled. If those classes are disabled via, then the implementation of ClassDB::register_class those will be no-op (as declared in auto-generated classes_enabled.gen.h). Unlike components, we don’t have to use preprocessor defines to conditionally register individual classes.

Every register_*_types() callback implementation in Goost requires inclusion of "goost/classes_enabled.gen.h" header, where all Goost classes are included. Due to this, we’ll need to include our FiniteStateMachine declaration in "goost/goost.h" as well, which is an umbrella header of all classes defined in Goost:

// goost.h
// ...
#include "scene/2d/poly_shape_2d.h"
#include "scene/2d/visual_shape_2d.h"
#include "scene/ai/finite_state_machine.h" // FiniteStateMachine
#include "scene/gui/grid_rect.h"
#include "scene/physics/2d/poly_collision_shape_2d.h"
// ...

Just like with parent SCsub, we also need to call into register_ai_types() from within parent scene component, namely in register_scene_types():

// scene/register_scene_types.cpp

#include "register_scene_types.h"

#include "physics/register_physics_types.h"
#include "ai/register_ai_types.h" // FiniteStateMachine

#include "goost/classes_enabled.gen.h"

namespace goost {

void register_scene_types() {
    // ...
        register_ai_types(); // FiniteStateMachine

void unregister_scene_types() {
    // ...
    unregister_ai_types(); // FiniteStateMachine

} // namespace goost

Similarly to construction environment variables in SCsub, Goost automatically defines a set of preprocessor defines GOOST_*_ENABLED which allows us to compile code conditionally.

Once you’ve made the changes above, you should be able to compile Goost again with scons command. If everything goes well, you can run the engine with the following command:

cd goost
python editor

Verify that new classes exists in documentation and are usable in GDScript.


Once you’ve implemented and built new classes, you can (or rather should) document them. Goost slightly simplifies this process by running the following command:

cd goost
python doc

In our case, you’ll see FiniteStateMachine.xml and FiniteStateMachineNode.xml files generated at doc/ directory. Fill them out just like other xml files in the same directory and compile Godot again with:


If you’d like to see how the built-in documentation looks with new classes from within the Godot’s editor, run:

cd goost
python editor


Unlike in Godot, you don’t have to manually list a new class in, because those are collected automatically in Goost from

Unit tests

While implementing new classes, you want to make sure that they work as expected! Running existing unit tests is similar to generating documentation:

cd goost
python tests

Unit tests reside under tests/project directory. The project folder is a master Godot test project which contains goost directory with tests. Tests are organized in such a way to closely resemble Goost’s source tree.

Since we’ve introduced ai component as described in previous sections, we create res://goost/scene/ai folder and create unit test file there. Goost currently uses GUT unit testing framework to write and run tests using GDScript:

extends "res://addons/gut/"

func test_state():
    var fsm =

    var state =
    fsm.state = state

    assert_eq(fsm.state, state)

Save the file and run:

cd goost
python tests

To speed up the development, you can run a single unit test file as well:

python tests -t "scene/ai/"


It’s not necessary to start Godot editor to write and run tests. All unit test files in Goost must be prefixed with test_ to be run from the command-line interface.

Editor icons

The process of adding editor icons for new classes is no different from Godot, please refer to Godot’s Editor icons documentation.

Integrating third-party code

If you want to add a feature which relies on external code written by other developers, there are several requirements to resolve and steps to perform:

  1. The third-party code must be compatible with MIT license.
  2. Do not use git submodules, unless third-party code does not allow to distribute its source code directly, or when it’s more safe to distribute the code via submodules. Whenever possible, always try to bundle the third-party code (the Godot way).
  3. Place third-party code in goost/thirdparty/ under respective directory.
  4. Compile third-party code from within goost/thirdparty/SCsub, compile conditionally if it’s part of existing Goost component.
  5. Make sure to list third-party code in goost/thirdparty/
  6. Update goost/COPYRIGHT.txt to comply with third-party license terms. Add new license text if it doesn’t already exist.
  7. Build the engine, run editor and go to HelpAbout Goost to open Goost “About” dialog. Make sure the third-party component appears at the “Third-party Licenses” tab.