
Inherits: RandomNumberGenerator < Reference < Object

Inherited By: Random2D

An instance of RandomNumberGenerator available at @GlobalScope.


This is a singleton which allows to use RandomNumberGenerator methods without instantiating a dedicated object. This means that Random can be used via script with methods such as @GDScript.randi:

Random.randomize() # Time-based.
Random.seed = hash("Goost") # Manual.
var i = Random.randi() % 100
var f = Random.randf_range(-1.0, 1.0)

The class provides other useful convenience methods and properties other than what RandomNumberGenerator already provides out of the box.

Local instances must be created with new_instance method. It’s not possible to instantiate a new Random instance with Random.new() in GDScript. Alternatively, a new instance can be created with ClassDB.instance("Random"), see ClassDB.instance.

You have to call RandomNumberGenerator.randomize for local instances manually if you want to have non-reproducible results, else done automatically for the global instance by default.

For 2D, use Random2D class, which inherits all the functionality behind Random as well.


Color color Color( 0, 0, 1, 1 )
bool condition true
int number 37
float value 0.5


Variant choice ( Variant from_sequence )
Color color_hsv ( float hue_min=0.0, float hue_max=1.0, float saturation_min=0.0, float saturation_max=1.0, float value_min=0.0, float value_max=1.0, float alpha_min=1.0, float alpha_max=1.0 )
Color color_rgb ( float red_min=0.0, float red_max=1.0, float green_min=0.0, float green_max=1.0, float blue_min=0.0, float blue_max=1.0, float alpha_min=1.0, float alpha_max=1.0 )
bool decision ( float probability )
Reference new_instance ( ) const
Variant range ( Variant from, Variant to )
void shuffle ( Array array )

Property Descriptions

Default Color( 0, 0, 1, 1 )
Getter get_color()

The next random color in HSV color space. Saturated, bright colors are preferred. Equivalent to the following code:

var color = Color.from_hsv(randf(), rand_range(0.5, 1.0), rand_range(0.5, 1.0))

For more options, use color_hsv or color_rgb.

Default true
Getter get_condition()

Generates a random boolean value. Useful for randomizing true and false states, conditions, decisions etc. The outcome is equal for both values.

if Random.condition:

Equivalent to the following code:

if randf() >= 0.5:

Default 37
Getter get_number()

Generates a random unsigned 32-bit integer. Equivalent to RandomNumberGenerator.randi.

Default 0.5
Getter get_value()

Generates a random real number in the range of 0.0..1.0. Equivalent to RandomNumberGenerator.randf.

Method Descriptions

Returns a random element from indexable sequence-based types, such as Array or String. If the sequence is empty, prints an error and returns null.

Generates a random Color specified in HSV color model. See also Color.from_hsv. By default, equivalent to the following code:

var color = Color.from_hsv(randf(), randf(), randf())

If you want to generate colors which are not too pale and not too dark, use color.

Generates a random Color specified in RGB color model. By default, equivalent to the following code:

var color = Color(randf(), randf(), randf())

If you want to generate colors which are not too pale and not too dark, use color.

Returns a boolean based on a given probability value in the range of 0.0..1.0. The higher the probability value the higher the chance of this returning true.

Instantiates a new local Random instance based on RandomNumberGenerator. Does not override the Random instance accessible at @GlobalScope.

Generates a singular value in a specified range depending on the type of Variant. The types of from and to must be the same.

For integer and float values, generates a random number in the range equivalently to RandomNumberGenerator.randi_range and RandomNumberGenerator.randf_range respectively.

For any other type, the value is linearly interpolated with a random weight of 0.0..1.0.

  • void shuffle ( Array array )

Shuffles the array such that the items will have a random order. By default, this method uses the global random number generator in Random singletons, but unlike in Array.shuffle, local instances of Random can be created with new_instance to achieve reproducible results given the same seed.