
The extension provides optional C++ modules which can be compiled alongside, and has mostly convenience purpose of “batteries included”. They are no different to the Goost extension, which is in fact a regular C++ module.

Creating built-in modules

Built-in modules are versioned as part of Goost and are located at modules/ directory.

See Godot Engine’s Custom modules in C++ for an exhaustive instructions on developing modules.

Don’t forget to include the newly developed module in so that all built-in modules can be easily disabled by a user, and enable a module of interest explicitly via the command line.

Adding community modules

The following command must be used from within the root of the Goost repository:

git submodule add --name module_name <URL> modules/module_name

The --name option is recommended to specify as cloning the module via the URL may not always produce correct module name required by the build system. For instance, if you have a module with URL similar to:

You’ll need to add the module with:

git submodule add --name godette modules/godette